Wednesday, July 25, 2007

wala lang

my sis
my pamangkin


with kuya jay r..

valuable things for me

one of the most valuable thing for me is my education.without education i'm nothing.we need education for us to have professional jobs.2nd valuable thing for me is my parents.they are always there to guide and protect me.i'm thankful because i grew up as a discipline person bec.of them.3rd is our graduation in St. Paul College of ParaƱaque.i'm proud because i graduate from a prestigeous school!

my friends are valuable for me too.because they are always there to help me when i have problems.even if they are in manila right now,i know they will never forget our friendship that i will always treasure forever.

Monday, July 23, 2007


during prelim i experienced frustration and felt tired because we have 4 test in our first day of prelim.i studied very well because our test are computer fundament,english,filipino and theo. our test in math is very hard!but i tried my best to answer all the questions there.our test in computer application is very easy we just need to follow the instructions written there.

i hope midterm will be easy for me so that i can get good grades and to learn more about information technology.


all of us need friends.we need a shoulder to cry on.if we have problems we need friends to help us.our friends are always there if you are in trouble.if you need advise,you can ask them.if you are bored,you can hang out with your friends.if you need help in your studies,you can ask them.that's why we need friends.

i choose this blog name because this symbolizes our friendship or "barkada".
my friends since highschool.i missed my friends in manila that's why i named my blog after our barkada's name.i post their names here in my blog because i want them to see how much i treasured our friendship.